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Gwyn Love drops debut album “dimr” | Disrupted Mag

Rising electro-pop artist Gwyn Love is ready to release their debut album, dimr.
Growing up in small-town Oklahoma, they knew they were destined for something bigger. As the first-ever American artist signed to Vancouver-based 604 Records, Gwyn Love is ready take on the world.
The album consists of 7 tracks full of attitude and electronic beats which can be enjoyed while relaxing in your room, as well as on the dance floor. dimr is the perfect mix of both upbeat and slower songs with catchy melodies and resilient vocals.
On the album, Gwyn Love shares: “’dimr’ represents fleeting feelings and moments in time that were significant enough at the time to write about and remember forever. There are songs about my first true love and all the trials that come along with learning to love, a lot of feelings that I simply couldn’t hold inside any longer and of course some cheeky songs that were super fun to write. Louise Burns and I co-wrote half of this album together and the other half was co-written with La+ch, which means they were all written and recorded in Canada which is pretty cool. Super pumped for you guys to hear and hopefully relate to these songs.”