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INTERVIEW // Danielle Ryan | Amplify Music Mag
Originally from the hills and valleys of rural BC, Danielle fell in love with music as a child, beginning her journey at the age of just 13, teaching herself to play guitar and write her own music. With a desire to break into the country music industry, Danielle began taking inspiration from some of her favourite artists such as Loretta Lynn, Tammy Wynette, and Johnny Cash. Danielle’s down-home work ethic allowed her to dive headfirst into the world of country, drawing from personal experiences new and old, and developing her craft, earning her national media coverage, a Top-6 spot in the 2016 Canadian Country Music Association (CCMA) Discovery Program, and winning Country Music Television (CMT)’s Chevy from the Tailgate Contest. Holding herself to a high standard, Danielle’s priority is to do more than just sing songs, and to create music that really means something.
Please take a moment and give us some background info about becoming an artist?
I grew up loving to preform and sing. When I was 13 I thought it would be really cool to learn to play guitar and write songs… cause that’s what Taylor Swift did. I’ve always loved the stories that country music can tell which Is why I picked that for a genre… I was also born and raised on a Dairy Farm so it’s almost like I had to live up to the stereotype. I worked at music for years, loosing lots of contests but I eventually improved and one a few later on.
Tell us a bit about your musical direction. How would you describe the music that you typically create?
I grew up on 90’s country and later found a love for traditional country music. To me a good song is a good song, so I’ve never really thought to hard about it. I pull inspiration from so many places. I love the honesty and storytelling aspect of country and I think I have taken that and fused it with modern day music.
Tell us about the recording process behind Weather Man?

We were originally supposed to record this in March 2020 but unfortunately everything got locked down. In the fall I got to get together with Brian Howes (Simple Plan, Keith Urban) and record Weather Man. It was great getting to work with him- Especially in a world where I don’t get to see very many people these days.
Who helped out making this single?
I wrote Weather Man on my bedroom floor and later brought my brother, Brandon in to help me out with finishing it. Brandon has become someone that I actually do most of my writing with these days because it is just so comfortable.
Are any Shows/Streams upcoming to showcase your talent?
Right now the internet has become everyone’s best friend! I am always posting and playing on my Instagram @DanielleRyanMusic . Come hang out!
What is the biggest struggle for you as a musician at the moment?
There’s a couple for sure. Navigating around everything has it’s challenges. I am such a people person so not being able to see people to write & record is hard. I also LOVE playing live! But right now that’s not really an option, so when that becomes a thing again life will be even better 😉
How have you been keeping creative during the Pandemic?
At first it was really difficult. There were a few months there where I was too worried to be creative. But eventually I found a rhythm. This has become somewhat of a new normal.
I love making videos and taking photos. Whether they are of me signing or something dumb. In a time when the Internet is the only way to have a true connection with someone I have tried to use it as much as I can. I don’t really make these videos for me- they are more for everyone else’s entertainment. If I can take your mind off all the craziness for 5 minutes, that’s a win.
What are your plans for the rest of 2021?
My plans!? I’m not sure if I even know what I’m doing next week with all the uncertainty these days. I’m hoping to release some more music, attend the CCMA’s in the fall and maybe get a little trip to somewhere in there with my husband!
Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with in particular?
Might be obvious but Taylor Swift!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you kick back who are some of the artists you listen to?
I’m honestly pretty lame… I love my nostalgic records of Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and some Loretta Lynn. I also love the newest Dua Lipa album. I usually love songs more than artists. And when I find one I really love I listen to it non-stop for days.