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Fionn on their melodramatic song about giving someone the power in a relationship | CelebMix

FIONN are Alanna and Brianne Finn-Morris from White Rock in British Columbia, Canada. ‘Fionn’ is the Irish word for ‘Finn’ which is one of their last names! “We have been working a lot on writing and releasing music as well as filming some fun music videos,” the duo reveal to CelebMix at the top of our chat about their newest single.
‘Let Me Go’ is a melodramatic song about giving someone the power in a relationship. Logically, you know they are not right, but something keeps you under their spell.
“It always feels amazing to put out music,” FIONN expresses to CelebMix upon the release of their new single. “We’re so happy that people can enjoy a song that we started working on about a year ago.”
At the start of the creative process, all FIONN really knew was that they wanted to write a sad and angsty disco song.
“Jared Manierka (our producer and songwriting collaborator for ‘Let Me Go’) put together a moody disco track and after hearing it,” FIONN reveal, “the lyrics and plotline for the song came to us easily.”
FIONN started ‘Let Me Go’ last spring when the Pandemic had just started and managed to figure out new ways to co write and record remotely.
We ended up writing the song with Jared over Zoom and recording our own vocals at home, sending them to him to add into the track.
FIONN on the creation of their newest single remotely
“Making music or any kind of art with other people is a very personal experience, and writing over zoom felt strange at first,” FIONN continues. “Now we are used to creating in this new way, and are very grateful for the technology that allows us to continue creating during this strange time period.”
Interestingly, the lyrics of ‘Let Me Go’ are based off of past experiences that FIONN have each had in previous relationships.
“We find that when we song-write its about zeroing in on an emotion,” FIONN explained. “It doesn’t seem to matter if it was felt 5 years ago or 5 minutes ago, it is still easy to bring forward and let it out.”
With this new song, FIONN want anybody who listens to be able to have moody dance parties alone in their living rooms, and if they relate to the lyrics, experience a form of emotional release.
‘Let Me Go’ is one of the new songs off FIONN’s new 7 song EP coming out on May 21st.
“Our EP is going to be called ‘Candid Constellations’,” FIONN add. “It is filled with songs we wrote to bring ourselves up during the Pandemic, and we hope that they do the same for others!”