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23 Canadian Bands Silverstein’s Shane Told Knows Will Keep the Scene Alive | Alternative Press

If we had to pick one band from Canada keeping the scene alive, it would have to be Silverstein. No question. The post-hardcore band show no signs of slowing down after 10 albums over the course of two full decades and have influenced countless other people to start a career in music. Here’s to 20 more years!
We had the chance to chat with Silverstein’s prolific vocalist Shane Told about 23 other Canadian bands who deserve fame as well.
Marianas Trench
You all must know by now that Marianas Trench vocalist/guitarist Josh Ramsay is a songwriting machine who co-wrote and produced Carly Rae Jepsen’s smash single “Call Me Maybe.” Outside of the States and especially in Canada, Marianas Trench are a huge and noteworthy act in their own right. They effectively evolved from the pop-punk scene into a powerful symphonic rock band (with unparalleled vocals). Told feels that the band always deliver quality music in whatever genre they decide to write and yearns for you to wake up if you’ve been sleeping on ‘em.